Training 2009
Preparation of Middle Level Trainer at Rohtak , Haryana on 6-11 Jan organized by WCD, Haryana
Preparation of Middle Level Trainer at Patiala, Punjab on 19-23 Jan organizes by WCD, Punjab
Preparation of Middle Level Trainer at Hindpur , A.P. on 13-18 Feb organized by WCD, AP: In February 2009 (13th to 18th) 4th IYCF Counseling Course (MLT Course) was conducted. 31 Participants from the Dept. (29 Instructors and 2 Co-ordinators of the Training Centers), have participated. Faculty of the course are Dr. K. Kesavulu, Dr. Ganga Jyothi, Mr. P. Sundara Rajulu and Dr. B. Sailaja.
Report : Capacity Building Training Course on Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling for Development of Middle Level Trainers in 2 districts of Punjab (NRHM) :
Firozpur : 24 Feb- 1Mar and 16-20 .
Gurdaspur : 24-29 March and 20-25. -
Preparation of Middle Level Trainer at Rohtak , Haryana on 25-30 May organized by WCD, Haryana
Preparation of Trainers for Middle Level Trainer & Preparation of Middle Level Trainer at Hindupur, A.P. on 18-29 June organized by WCD, AP: In the month of June, 2009 - TOT of MLT Course (18th to 29th) was conducted.For easy communication, with the participants in the local language (Telugu) 7 members of the Dept. (Smt. Y. Sailaja, Kum. P. Sarala Kumari, I. Sujatha, N. Anuradha, Ch. Bhavani, T. Shyam Tabita and S. Sai Sukanya) who were already trained as Middle Level Trainers were trained as TOT'sWith the help of these TOTs as co-trainers all the 4 batches of MLT courses were conducted.
In the 1st Batch of MLT course for supervisor's (24th to 29th June, 2009) 28 supervisors of the Dept. have taken the course. The faculty are Dr. K. Kesavulu, course Director, Mr. P. Sundara Rajulu, Course Facilitator.
2nd Batch of MLT course for supervisor's was conducted from 16th to 21st July, 2009. 28 Supervisors have taken the course. The faculty are Dr. K. Kesavulu, Course Director, Mr. P. Sundara Rajulu, Course Facilitator, the co-trainers are N. Anuradha, S. Sai Sukanya, I. Sujatha and Ch. Bhavani.
3rd Batch of MLT course for supervisors was conducted from 16th to 21st August, 2009. 30 Supervisors have taken the course. The faculty are Dr. K. Kesavulu, Course Director, Mr. P. Sundara Rajulu, Course Facilitator, the co-trainers are B. Sailaja, I. Sujatha, Ch. Bhavani, P. Sarala Kumari.
4th Batch of MLT course for supervisors was conducted from 16th to 21st September, 2009. 25 Supervisors and 2 Instructors have taken the course. The faculty are Dr. K. Kesavulu, Course Director, Mr. P. Sundara Rajulu, Course Facilitator, the co-trainers are I. Sujatha, N. Syam Tabita, N. Anuradha, S. Sai Sukanya.