Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) was founded on 3rd December,1991 atWardha, Maharashtra.BPNI is a registered, independent,nonprofit,national organization;working towards protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding and appropriate complementary feeding of infants & young children.BPNI acts on the targets of Innocenti Declarations, Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC),International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes,and the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (WHO 2002).
BPNI's core areas of work include policy advocacy to educate policy makers and managers,training of health workers, capacity building of State governments for implementing the policy,social mobilization duringWorld BreastfeedingWeek (WBW) each year and monitoring compliance with the“Infant Milk Substitutes,Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution)Act 1992 and Amendment Act 2003 (IMSAct).
BPNI is notified in the Gazette of India as a child welfare NGO to initiate action under section 21(1) of the IMS Act for officially monitoring and implementing IMSAct since 1995
Over the years BPNI has played the role of a watchdog organization and exposed several big baby food brands on how they undermined the IMS Act.
BPNI coordinates and facilitates the education and training of grassroots personnel in the health and nutrition sector and private hospitals through skilled counseling as a sustainable support to mother-baby dyads. Our training alliances include the National Health Mission (NHM) and Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS).BPNI training courses are self-sustained.
BPNI works in close liaison with the Government of India and is recognized for its technical expertise and credible standing on the issues & concerns of child health and nutrition.BPNI's contribution in earlier five years plans documents and restructuring of ICDS mission document for Government of India are golden feathers in its cap.BPNI holds major contribution in the development of the National Guidelines on Infant and young Child Feeding (2004 and 2006) and Operational Guidelines for Enhancing Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices (2013). Latest among these are guidelines for 'MAA' programme wherein BPNI provided crucial inputs.BPNI is the technical partner to country's very first nationwide programme“MAA-Mother's AbsoluteAffection” for breastfeeding promotion launched by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India on 5th August 2016.
Other than the government, BPNI has been working in partnership with development partners like WHO, UNICEF, World Bank, Norwegian and Swedish Governments.
BPNI's Vision and Mission Statement
BPNI is viewed as the last word in protecting breastfeeding from commercial influence as well as recognized as a global leader in providing impetus to the breastfeeding movement through innovative and sustainable approaches.
BPNI seeks to work towards optimal nutrition of women and children, especially on enhancing breastfeeding rates in the country through countering commercial influence, capacity building of health and nutrition care providers, advocacy for maternity entitlements and other national policies.
Funding Policy
BPNI does not accept funds or any support from the companies manufacturing baby foods, feeding bottles or infant feeding related equipment.BPNI does not associate with organizations having conflicts of Interest.
Legal Status
- BPNI is registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, S-23144
- BPNI Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulation of BPNI
- BPNI is registered under Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FCRA) (FCRA No. 231650680)
- Donations to BPNI are eligible for tax exemption under section 80G(5) (vi) of the ITAct,1961
Notified by the Gazette of India
International Status
BPNI is a part of a global network,the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN).IBFAN is a Right Livelihood Laureate,the award received in 1998,which is popularly known as the Alternative Nobel Prize. " It serves as the Regional Coordinating office of South Asia to protect,promote and support optimal infant and young child nutrition as IBFAN South Asia . IBFAN is in official relationship with WHO since 2013."
Affiliations /Memberships of technical committees nationally/internationally
- Member, National Infant and Young Child Feeding Coordination Committee
- Member, National Infant and Young Child Feeding Steering Committee, Government of India
- Technical Partner, MAA Programme, Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare, Government of India
- Member, Coordination Committee of the Global UNICEF/WHO, Breastfeeding Advocacy Initiative (BAI)
- Member, National Shadow Committee on Codex Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary Uses
- Member of Working Group on Children's Right to Food, India
- Member of the National Coordination Committee of Jan SwasthyaAbhiyan (People’s Health Movement, India)
- Representing IBFAN in the Global Network for Right to Food and Nutrition
- Member, Institutional Review Board, National Institute of Public Cooperation & Child Development (NIPCCD)
Chief Coordinator
Dr. K.P. Kushwaha |
Central Coordinator
Dr. Arun Gupta |
Dr.Pawan Garg |
Members | |
Dr. J.Kumutha 132/7 Anna Flats Padikuppam Road Anna Nagar West Chennai-600040 Email: dr_kumutha@yahoo.com Cell:- 09444023733 |
Dr. C.B. Dasgupta 1, Gulab Bari, Arya Samaj Road Kota -324006 Rajasthan email: cbdassgupta@gmail.com Cell:-09414804414 |
Dr. K. Kesavulu Pediatrician D. No- 02-1/125 Old SBI Street, Mukkadiepet Hindupur 515 201, Andhra Pradesh Email: doctorkesavulu@gmail.com Cell:- 09849071755 |
Dr. Manisha Choudhury Department of Food Science and Nutrition Assam Agricultural University Assam Email: manishachoudhury07@gmail.comCell: 9435734988 |
Dr. Omesh Khurana 2B, South Park Avenue, Sector -9, Bhilai Chhattisgarh-490009 email: ok_2001@rediffmail.com Cell: 8878507875 |