- Written Submissions to Irish Aid for new development policy
- World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) India-2018
FSAAI & IYNCI partnership "Diet4Life" posing threat to the health of millions babies by undermining IMS Act
Annexure-1 Annexure-2.1 Annexure-2.2 Annexure-2.3 Annexure-3
- Letter submitted to Vice Chairman, Niti Aayog, Chairperson, National Council on India's Nutrition Challenges, January 17, 2018 regarding Key Nutrition policy for children under-2 is under threat by action of FSSAI, Needs High Level Intervention to Stop
- Explanatory Note on Key Policy on Nutrition for Children Under-2, Under Threat by FSSAI Action
- FSSAI has approved labels of foods for special medical purposes (FSMP) which mentions “ This is neither an infant milk substitute nor an infant food” thereby exempting these products from obeying provisions of the IMS Act. See:
1. Labels approved by FSSAI for FSMP products by Abbott
2. Labels approved by FSSAI for FSMP products by Danone - Nutricia
3. Labels approved by FSSAI for FSMP products by Nestle
4. Labels approved by FSSAI for FSMP products by Mead-Johnson
5. Some of these products are being sold on online portals with a discount. See: Annexure-1Annexure-2
6. Media coverages
- The Sunday Guardian
25th Feb'18 - Rajasthan Patrika
26th Feb'18
27th Feb'18
/IMS-ACT/BPNI-Statement-of-Concern-FSSAI-Diet4-Life-IYNCI-Row-(1).pd - The Times of India
06th Mar'18. - FSSAI's Press Release on IEM Foods,26th Feb'18
- BPNI's Statement of Concern,06th Mar'18: FSSAI's Action to Exempt Special Foods From Act