IBFAN Asia’s latest 84 Country Report Calls to Invest in the Youngest for Development |
On the occasion of IBFAN's Second World Breastfeeding Conference in Johannesburg Dr. M.J Phaahla, Deputy Minister of Health, Government of the Republic of South Africa, released International Baby Food Action Network's (IBFAN) new global report: "Has Your Nation Done Enough to Bridge the Gaps?: 84 country report on status and progress of implementation of the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding2008-2016". The study was done using the World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi),IBFAN's break- through innovative tool that measures the state of policy and programmes in countries.The report shows that despite the undisputed evidence that infant mortality could be reduced by 1.3 times if all women breastfed their babies within the first hour of birth, only half of all newborns in the 80 countries reviewed are breastfed.
Link: http://worldbreastfeedingtrends.org/WBTi-84Country/84-country-report.pdf |
IBFAN Asia and ICDC organized a Regional Capacity Building Workshop on Monitoring the international Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes in New Delhi, India |
The Regional Capacity Building Workshop on Monitoring the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitute was organized by IBFAN Asia at the Russian Centre of Science and
Culture, New Delhi on 14-16 November 2016. The workshop was facilitated by trainers from ICDC. The training built capacity of the ‘younger’ generation of Code monitors and advocates from selected countries in Asia. Representatives from China, India, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Philippines, and Thailand participated. Amongst the participants were officials from Ministries of Health, representatives from breastfeeding advocacy group/NGOs, paediatricians, and public health researchers.
Link: http://www.ibfanasia.org/docs/Code-Training-Report-2016.pdf |
BPNI Completes 25 years of Defending Breastfeeding Against Market Forces |
On December 2nd 2016 BPNI celebrated the completion of its 25 years journey of promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding. BPNI work has led to an excepti onal momentum for breastfeeding in India and now it’s on the National Agenda. On this occasion BPNI launched its 25 year report documenting the challenges faced, impact it has brought at all levels and the way forward.
Link: http://bpni.org/25years/BPNI-25-years-report.pdf |
BPNI Launches Mobile Application to Protect Breastfeeding From Market Forces
BPNI on its 25th anniversary launched a mobile app on breastfeeding protection called ‘Stanpan Surakhsha App”. They key feature of the App is a reporting mechanism where any person can click a photograph of inappropriate promotion around them of baby food and related equipment and send it to BPNI. Stanpan Surakhsha App aspires to give power to common people in contributing to the enforcement of Indian law protecting breastfeeding the “IMS Act” by reporting promotional activities that are banned; protecting women and children from commercial influence. The app also has a data base of trained breastfeeding counselor for locating breastfeeding counsellor in their city in India. Other features include sign up option for mothers who wish to become a breastfeeding counsellor, pledging for petition and donation.
The app is available on Android and IOS . Download now!!

Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI)/ The International Baby Food Action Network Asia(IBFAN Asia)
BP-33, Pitampura | Delhi- 110034
Email id : bpni@bpni.org, bpni.india@gmail.com
Landline: +91-11-27343608, +91-11-42683059 | Telefax:+91-11-27343606---------------------------------------------------------------- |
Our Funding Policy- BPNI does not accept funds or any support from the companies manufacturing baby foods,feeding bottles or infant feeding related equipments.BPNI does not associate with organizations having conflicts of Interest. |
Write to us at
bpni@bpni.org |
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International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) Asia News-wire is an electronic resource- lead, which will give you the most reliable and updated information on issues related to feeding of babies. The purpose of this newswire is to mobilize public opinion and generate demands for creating support for women to breastfeed. This news-wire will be a regular feature for sharing examples of action across Asia.
This news-wire will also serve as the platform for advocating our flagship campaign i.e. the “Babies Need Mom Made Not Man Made”, which is an extension of our “One Million Campaign”. Our campaign will focus on exposing misinformation spread by baby food companies and their allies.
We will reach to you via case studies, success stories, events, impact stories, scientific alerts and publications across Asia.
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IBFAN Asia Team |