Welcome to BPNI’s Ante-natal Preparation Modules for Feeding Babies

The Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) is dedicated to empowering mothers and supporting the health of infants across India. We are proud to bring to you our groundbreaking initiative: "I Decide About Feeding My Baby" – a 6-video module program for antenatal education.

iDecide Testimonial Video

iDecide Introduction Video

  1. Benefits of breastfeeding : Why it’s the best start for your baby.
  2. Early breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact 
  3. Positioning and attachment in C-Sec and vaginal birth : Ensuring a good latch for a comfortable feed.
  4. Safety and storage of infant formula : If you choose to give formula feeds
  5. Expression of breastmilk : Common issues and how to manage them.
  6. How to be successful at breastfeeding : Making it work for you 

You Can Watch 6 Video Modules In