Infant Feeding and HIV
IBFAN Asia Position Statement on HIV and Infant Feeding 2018
IBFAN Asia Position Statement on HIV and Infant Feeding 2015
- HIV and Infant Feeding- Global Status of Policy and Programmes based on World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative assessment findings from 57 countries , 2015
HIV and Infant Feeding - An information booklet for policy and programme managers in India, 2014
IBFAN Asia Position Statement on HIV and Infant Feeding- 2012
Supporting Documents
Guideline on HIV and infant feeding 2010
The study which has been published in the New England Journal Of Medicine (17 June 2010)
HIV and infant feeding Revised Principles and Recommendations Rapid Advice, November 2009
Symposium on HIV and Infant Feeding : 9 December, 2005
Mother to Child Transmission of HIV: Some Facts (English)
Mother to Child Transmission of HIV: Some Facts (Hindi)