- IMS Act- Complete Powerpoint Presentation, September 2020
The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles & Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply & Distribution) Act 1992 and Amendment Act 2003 (IMS Act) - Where is Right to Health, Nutrition( Life) without a Focus on Breastfeeding?, IACR Meeting , 9th Feb 2017
- Study of Trends in South Asia: 2004-2016 ,USA, 16 Jan 2016
- World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi): Success Story So Far , International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Humen Lactation Research and Breastfeeding Management , 9-13, Jan. 2017
- Promotion of Baby Foods under the age 2 banned under the IMS Act
- Investing in the Breastfeeding Movement in India
- World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) Findings
Presentation by Dr.Arun Gupta, BPNI at 2016 GLOBAL PARTNERS MEETING, International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) on 20 July 2016
- WBCi and WBTiHow Has It Evolved?
May 21, 2014, WHA, Geneva
- Providing Food Security, Tackling Undernutrition
International Symposium. Human Development in Global South: Emerging Perspectives in the Era of Post-Millennium Development Goals, April 28 – 29, 2014,
in New Delhi
- Conflict of Interest-the Hidden Face of Corruption
Dr.Arun Gupta, Standing Committee, Parliament of India, Rajya Sabha, 16 Jan. , 2014
- Global Breastfeeding Movement 4th, National Breastfeeding Conference,
Bangkok, Thahttp://bpni.org/presentation/4th-National-BF-Conf-BKK.pptiland, 5-7 June 2013>Dr. Arun Gupta Regional Coordinator IBFAN Asia
- Infant Feeding and HIV prevention:Ensuring HIV Free Child Survival
International Conference on Actions to Strengthen linkages between Sexual and reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS,Mumbai 4-8 Feb 2007 INDIA--by Dr. Arun
Gupta MD FIAP National coordinator BPNI
- Infant and Young Child Feeding for Enhancing Child Growth and Development
The National Workshop on Adoption of New WHO Child Growth Standards, Government of India, New Delhi, India 8-9 February 2007
- Presentation on Centre-staging infant nutrition for infant survival and development
A Joint Statement on Infant and Young
- Breastfeeding for child survival, health and development
State Secretaries meeting, Government of India, New Delhi,24 -25 April , 2006,by Dr Arun Gupta MD FIAP National coordinator, Breastfeeding Promotion
Network of India
- Why Maternity Entitlements? Food, Health, Care for the Mother : Optimal health, development and survival of the Child
National Convention : Right To Food Campaign ,Hyderabad, 7-9 April, 2006,--by Dr Arun Gupta/Dr Deeksha Sharma
- Maternity Entitlements: Theory & Practice Guidelines for Group Discussion
National Convention : Right To Food Campaign, Hyderabad, 7-9 April, 2006,by Dr Deeksha Sharma, Project Officer
- Maternity Entitlements: Theory & Practice Legal Issues
National Convention : Right To Food Campaign, Hyderabad, 7-9 April, 2006, by Nirmala Selvam and Dr Deeksha Sharma
- Effectively scaling up /universalizing exclusive breastfeeding, Creating Distt level Model, 22 February, 06
- Breastfeeding for child survival, development and health
Regional consultation meet on nutrition Chandigarh, 9-10 January 2006, by Dr. Arun Gupta, National Coordinator, BPNI
- Achieving MDG 4: Focus on neonatal survival
Early and Exclusive Breastfeeding , Katmandu,Nepal, October 2005,by Arun Gupta/JP Dadhich
- Meeting the Challenge of Infant Feeding in the Context of HIV
10th IWHM, September 2005, New Delhi ,byDr. JP Dadhich MD,Coordinator, BPNI Taskforce on Research and Interventions
Co-coordinator, IBFAN Asia Pacific WG on HIV & Infant Feeding, New Delhi, India
- World Breastfeeding Trendsinitiative :
Tracking, Assessment and Monitoring systems - Lecture delivered by dr. JP Dadhich at National Workshop on Rapid Assessment of the Status of Global Strategy for IYCF, August 2005,by Dr.J.P.Dadhich, Coordinator, BPNI Taskforce on Research and Interventions
- Successful Infant and Young Child Feeding
3rd national conference of Society of Midwives, New Delhi, February 2005,by Dr.J.P.Dadhich , Coordinator, BPNI Task force on Research and Interventions
- The baby at risk of HIV
24th National convention of National Neonatology Forum, October, 2004 at Chandigarh,by Dr.J.P.Dadhich, New Delhi
- Importance of Breastfeeding for Child Survival, Development and Health
Regional Consultation Meet on Nutrition,Bhubhneshwar on 18-19 July 2005 -- by Dr. Arun Gupta
- Infant and Young Child Feeding
North East Consultation Meet on Nutrition,Shillong on 17-18 February 2005-- by Dr. Tarsem Jindal