To protect breastfeeding from the commercial influence of baby food and feeding bottle companies , BPNI monitors companies compliance with “Infant Milk Substitutes,Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution)Act 1992 and Amendment Act 2003 (IMS Act). BPNI is notified in the Gazette of India as a child welfare NGO to initiate action under section 21(1) of the IMSAct for officially monitoring and implementing IMS Act since 1995.
IMS Bare Act and Essentials Documents
- The infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992
- The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Amendment Act, 2003
- The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles And Infant Food (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Rules, 1993
- The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles And Infant Food (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Rules, 2003
- Notification on enforcement of the IMS Act Amendment Act - 2003
- Government of India Gazette notification to authorises BPNI to monitor the IMS Act and make a comolaint - 1995
- Haryana Government order Gazette, dated the 4th April, 2006
- Indian Standard - Plastics Feeding Bottles (First Revision) -20 Feb2014
Achievement of IMS Act
- Baby Food Product a Multi Billion Industry, theindiasaga.com/, May 23, 2016
- Indian Journal of Pediatrics violates law protecting breastfeeding, OneWorld South Asia, May 20, 2016
- Apologies mail by S. Mahendra Boopatjy, Assistant manager, British Life Science Pvt Ltd regarding withdrawal or to block circulation of advertisement of LF 100 in Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Vol-83, February, 2016
- E-mail communication from Mr. Rajiv Dhir, Marketing Head of Indian Journal of Paediatrics stating that they have blocked February issue in which LF 100 advertisement is published and withdrawn contract with British Biologicals Pvt. Ltd.
- International conference continued without acceptance sponsorship from company Organising committee refused to take sponsorship from MEDELA and STERIFED, 10 -11th April, 2015 Pune .
- Secret meeting of doctors sponsored by Nestle got leaked out. The Secretary, IAP Gorakhpur resigned from his post, 25th August , 2012, Gorakhpur
- National Neonatology Forum Decline Sponsorship by Abbott, 16-19th December, 2011, Chennai.
- 16th Annual Conference of Indian Society for parental and enteral nutrition (ISPEN), sponsored by Nestle Nutrition Institute was cancelled by the organisers after letter issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 10-12th December, 2010, Chandigarh.
Affirmative Steps by Professional Organization
Milestone Case: Nestlé India Limited charged by the trial court
- Bhupender Singh, Metropolitan Magistrate, Rohini Court , Delhi, charge Nestle India ltd , 17th March, 2012
- Association for consumer action on safety and health vs Nestle India Ltd. 1st December, 2011
- Association for consumer action on safety and health vs Nestle India Ltd. 4th February, 2012
- Statement of Dr. Arun Gupta, Association of consumer vs Nestle India Ltd, 13th, Ocotber, 2006
- High court for Lower court case. 18th November,1998
- Criminal complains in lower court, 30th, November, 1994