State Breastfeeding Trends Initiative ( SBTi )
The State Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (SBTi) is BPNI's state-level adaptation of it’s global flagship programme and the tool World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi). The SBTi tool assesses the strengths and weaknesses in 10 indicators of policy and programmes and 3 practice indicators on breastfeeding and IYCF and documents gaps.
It will generate reports and report cards for advocacy. Further, it will stimulate local action to bridge the gaps. SBTi aims to bring multiple sectors together without conflicts of interest to build consensus on findings and recommendations with color codes and scores based on the performance.
Objectives of SBTi
- To provide critical information to governments, needed to bridge gaps in policy and programmes in order to increase rates of breastfeeding and infant and young child feeding practices.
- To galvanize action at the State and district level.
The 4 Components of SBTi
- A process of State assessment of policy and programmes.
- A process for generating State report/report card on the gaps.
- An awareness plan to share the findings of State assessment and launch a ’Call to Action’ in the States.
Steps of SBTi
- Create a core group with diverse partners that include government departments, UNICEF, WHO, civil society, health professionals and experts without conflicts of interest at state level.
- Conduct the state/district assessment.
- Discuss the gaps, build consensus and develop an action plan to bridge the gaps
- Develop state report and report card and use these as advocacy tools with local authorities
- Repeat assessment after 3-5 years to study trends and advocate for bridging the remaining gaps.
Download the SBTi Brief
Download the SBTi Guide book
Download the SBTi tool ( Version 2.1) here !