
BPNI's Webinars


Webinar on Launch of WBTi Evaluation Report 2020, 12 June 2020


COVID-19 AND BREASTFEEDING: Date: 19 June 2020


What you need to know about Ultra-Processed Foods (UPFs)? 
The science, policy responses and politics in global context: 20 July 2020


Counselling Women on Breastfeeding and Infant and Young Child Feeding: How, When and by Whom: Date:31st July 2020 


Enhancing Access to Skilled Lactation Counselling Support & Protecting Mothers from Commercial Baby Food Marketing: The Digital Way, Date: 7th August , 2020
Launch of the “Stanpan Suraksha” A Mobile Application (On Zoom)


Effective Implementation of the IMS Act, Dated:30th September 2020


Webinar on Launch of the Report on Spotlight on Infant Feeding in Tamil Nadu 2020

Tracking policies and programmes in support of women and children to adopt optimal feeding practices: from conception to 2 years or beyond


Webinar on Update on Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding in India based on NFHS 5 , Dated : 26th February 2021


FOGSI and BPNI organising a Webinar for the Obstetricians- A BOON FOR PREGNANT WOMEN: Helping to Make a Decision About Feeding of their Babies-Digital Way, Dated 13th March 2021


Webinar on Launch of “iDECIDE-About Feeding My Baby” A Boon for Pregnant Women/Husbands to Make an Informed Decision on Feeding their Babies, Dated 19th March 2021


Webinar on Celebrating the World Breastfeeding Protection Day (India)-21 May 2021


Future of “Strong Nutrition Profile Modelling (NPM)” for Healthy Food System in India to prevent NCD Burden, Dated 4 June 2021


Role of Strong Warning Labels on Unhealthy Food Products in Protecting People’s Health, Dated 26th August 2021| Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m(IST)


Warning Labels or Health Star Rating (HSR) on Unhealthy Food Products: What Should India Choose?, Date 9th March 2022| Time: 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 (IST)


Sharing Findings of a New Study Published from India and Updates on the FOPL Policy Dated: 16th September 2022 Time: 4:00 pm-5:30 pm (IST)


Closing the Gap - Breastfeeding Support for All Women Giving Birth in Maternity Hospitals in India, Both Public and Private Sector dated: 7th August 2024 Time: 4:00 pm-5:30 pm(IST)


Launch webinar of the National campaign “Let’s Turn Our Hospitals to be Breastfeeding Friendly”.Date: 11th November| Time: 3:00-5:30 pm


Other Webinars (Supported by BPNI)

July 28,, 2020, In collaboration with Unicef India, MOHFW, Govt. of India and Community Radio Mewat
‘’Expert Talk’ program on nutrition/breastfeeding/complementary feeding during COVID times on 296 community radio stations.-Dr. J.P. Dadhich, Technical Director, BPNI

August 1, 2020 Hosted by Vadodra Alliance 
Health Risks Associated with Ultra-Processed Foods(UPFs)-What Steps can be taken to reduce consumption?-Dr. Arun Gupta, Central Coordinator

August 1, 2020, Hosted by the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda: The Global Virtual Symposium
"MAA (Mothers Absolute Affection) Programme for Breastfeeding and Tools for assessment”-Dr. J.P. Dadhich, Technical Director, BPNI

August 2, 2020, Hosted by CTARA, IIT Bombay : The WBW Seminar Series, Nutrition Group
"The IMS Act Countering the Covid-19 exploitation by the baby-food companies”-Dr. J.P. Dadhich, Technical Director, BPNI

August 2, 2020 Panel Hosted by Dr. CB Dass Gupta
Panel Discussion Supporting Breastfeeding BPNI for Rajasthan-Dr. Arun Gupta, Central Coordinator

August 4, 2020, NNF Tamil Nadu
Conflicts of Interest in Partnership with Baby Food/Feeding Bottle Industries : Is it harmful?-Dr. Arun Gupta, Central Coordinator

August 6, 2020, Hosted by TNAI
"Supporting Breastfeeding for Healthier Planet”-Dr. J.P. Dadhich, Technical Director, BPNI

August 6, 2020, Nutrition Society of India Jorhat Chapter in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Community Science, Assam Agricultural University
“Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Nation” Protecting Breastfeeding through IMS Act- Dr. Arun Gupta, Central Coordinator

August 8, 2020, hosted by NIHFW Government of India
WBW 2020-Dr. Arun Gupta, Central Coordinator

August 8, 2020, Hosted by IAP Delhi North Zone
“Not Enough Milk : What are the solutions?- Dr. Arun Gupta, Central Coordinator

August 8, 2020, Hosted by the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi,
"The IMS Act – Covid exploitation by baby food companies” in the Webinar on WBW -2020 Theme-Dr. J.P. Dadhich, Technical Director, BPNI

August 10, 2020, Hosted by NIPCCD
IMS Act Implementation During Covid-19: Dr. Arun Gupta, Central Coordinator

August 10, 2020, Hosted by NIPCCD
"Ensuring Optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices during Covid –19”-Dr. J.P. Dadhich, Technical Director, BPNI

AUS Webinar 15 Feb 2021
'Protecting women’s and children’s health and human rights in the ‘first food’ system: commercial influence and conflicts of interest on infant and young child feeding in Australia’- Dr. Arun Gupta